सेवा में,
मानवाधिकार आयोग,
नई दिल्ली
विषय : जनपद वाराणसी में बुनकरों के
बच्चो के कुपोषण (केस सं0
के सम्बन्ध में |
आपको यह अवगत कराना
है कि मानवाधिकार जननिगरानी समिती, वाराणसी के डा0 लेनिन द्वारा राष्ट्रीय
मानवाधिकार आयोग में यह शिकायत की गयी थी कि देश में लगभग 13 लाख बुनकर है जिसमे
से 2.5 लाख बुनकर पूर्वी उत्तर-प्रदेश में रहते है | केंद्र सरकार ने
बुनकरों के लिए 6230 करोड़ रूपये का पैकेज की घोषणा की थी जिसके तहत बुनकर तीन
वर्षो के लिए 2 लाख रूपये लोन ले सकता है |
लेकिन वाराणसी के
बुनकरों को इस योजना का कोइ भी लाभ नहीं मिला और न ही कोइ जानकारी ही दी गयी, जिसके
कारण बुनकर इस योजना से महरूम रह गए और भुखमरी उनके जीवन का हिस्सा बन गयी |
जिसे माननीय
राष्ट्रीय मानवाधिकार आयोग ने दिनांक 23/2/2012 को संज्ञान में लिया और इससे
सम्बंधित अधिकारियों को नोटिस दिया | साथ ही 4 सप्ताह के
अन्दर उनसे रिपोर्ट भी माँगी |
इसके साथ ही आपके
द्वारा वाराणसी के जिलाधिकारी से इस पर आवश्यक कार्यवाही कर रिपोर्ट देने हेतु कहा
गया इसके बावजूद आज तक बुनकरों को कोइ भी सुविधा या योजनाओं से नहीं जोड़ा गया |
बल्कि जो बुनकर बैंक
से कर्ज लिए थे उसे भी केंद्र सरकार ने पचास हजार रुपये तक माफ़ कर दिया है इसके
बावजूद भी पंजाब नेशनल बैंक व अमीन द्वारा लगातार उन कर्जदारों को प्रताणित किया
जा रहा है और उन्हें जेल भेजने की धमकी दी जा रही है, साथ
ही अमीन व वसूली करने वाले बुनकरों के घर जा कर उनके परिवार की महिलाओं से अभद्रता
भी कर रहे है |
इसी तरह बिजली के
बकाये बिल की वसूली के लिए भी आये दिन बुनकरों के घर जाकर उन्हें धमकी दी जा रही
है | एक तरफ तो बुनकरों के पास खाने व जरूरत की चीजो के न होने
से लगातार भुखमरी व कुपोषण के मामले सामने आ रहे है दूसरी तरफ प्रशासनिक
अधिकारियों द्वारा उन्हें प्रताणित किया जा रहा है जिससे बुनकरों में भय व्याप्त
हो गया है व बहुत से बुनकर इससे टूट कर आत्म ह्त्या करने तक की भी बात कर रहे है |
अतः आपसे विनम्र
निवेदन है कि इस मामले की गंभीरता को देखते हुए इस पर पहल व कार्यवाही का आदेश दे |
संलग्नक :
1. NHRC को भेजा गया
शिकायती पत्र की कापी |
2. NHRC द्वारा दर्ज केस की
कापी |
3. दैनिक अखबार दैनिक जागरण की 24 मई, 2009
के खबर की कापी |
4. दैनिक अखबार दैनिक
जागरण की 28 मई, 2009 के खबर की कापी |
5. दैनिक अखबार हिन्दुस्तान की 18 मई, 2010
के खबर की कापी |
6. The Times Of India की खबर की कापी |
7. 14 बच्चो का आंगनवाडी
द्वारा संदर्भन प्रपत्र की कापी |
डा0 लेनिन
प्रेषित :
1. अपर जिलाधिकारी
(प्रशासन), वाराणसी |
2. मुख्य
चिकित्साधिकारी, वाराणसी |
3. जिला पूर्ती अधिकारी, वाराणसी
4. जिला कार्यक्रम
अधिकारी, वाराणसी |
5. सहायक निदेशक, हथकरघा
एवं वस्त्रोद्योग, वाराणसी |
---------- Forwarded
message ----------
From: A.K. Parashar <akpnhrc@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:34 PM
Subject: Complaint of Case No. 5332/24/72/2012, Varanasi’s weavers don’t just want sops, they need nutrition
To: pvchr.india@gmail.com
From: A.K. Parashar <akpnhrc@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 5:34 PM
Subject: Complaint of Case No. 5332/24/72/2012, Varanasi’s weavers don’t just want sops, they need nutrition
To: pvchr.india@gmail.com
From: PVCHR ED <pvchr.india@gmail.com> Subject: Varanasi’s weavers don’t just want sops, they need nutrition To: INDIAFELLOWS@listserv.ashoka.org Date: Tuesday, February 14, 2012, 1:13 PM
weavers don’t just want sops, they need nutrition
Danish Raza 14 mins ago
Khaliqul and Idrees Khan lost their son in
2008. Idrees is a weaver who makes Rs 100 a day and lives in Varanasi's
Dhannipur village in eastern Uttar Pradesh. Naresh Sharma/Firstpost
Also see
Dhannipur/Varanasi: Out of an estimated 13 lakh weavers in the country, 2.5 lakh are
scattered in Eastern Uttar Pradesh and it is only predictable, that political
parties are out to woo the community. The Congress has taken a lead by
announcing a Rs 6,230 crore package for weavers, under which, a weaver can
get Rs 2 lakh loan for three years. Unlike previous schemes for the
community, this one aims at transferring money directly to the weaver.
But, the scheme has no takers in Varanasi’s
weavers, for whom hunger is a routine of life.
According to statistics for 2011 from the
office of the integrated child development scheme, Dhannipur has 116
malnourished children, with 92 suffering from severe malnourishment (of grade
three and four) in the Kashipur Vidyapith block of the village, alone.
In 2008, three-year-old son Shahabuddin was one of five children in the
village, around 20 kilometers from Varanasi, to die of malnutrition.
Khaliqul, Shahabuddin’s mother is tired
of narrating the story of her son who died in November 2008 and handloom
weaver Idrees Khan, his father, still struggles to make around Rs 100 per
day— from which he desperately tried to save to keep his child alive.
The office of the integrated child development
scheme cites the average weight of a 2.5 years old baby in Dhannipur is
8.5 kgs — three kgs less than the weight of a healthy baby.
The nearest primary health centre from the
village, is three kilometers away and the village has just one primary
school. With a family of eight to take care of, Hayaat Khan, a weaver
from the village, cannot even afford to send any of his six children to
school. “School going kids look healthy as they get the mid-day meal,”
said Khan.
According to a study conducted by People’s
Vigilance Committee for Human Rights, an NGO working for the cause of
weavers, 47 weavers committed suicide between 2007 and 2009.
Khaliqul's son Shahabuddin died of
malnutrition in late 2008. Naresh Sharma/Firstpost
“To take that loan, we need to live and earn
as a weaver,” said Idress Khan, who is looking for a change in profession.
That is the only way, he says, he can survive.
In his book Asaahr-e- banaras, late
Maulana Abdul Salaam, former mufti of Banaras, makes a mention of weavers.
The author notes that Maulana Alvi brought weavers to Varanasi seven
centuries ago and over the years, they became an integral part of city’s
culture. While Muslims and people from other backward classes were involved
in weaving, trade was by the upper class Marwaris. Those weavers, who got
good returns for their skill, became traders, lots of them buying power
looms. In many ways, they threatened the Marwari class. For years after, the
manufacturer-weaver-middlemen combine provided Banaras saris to the world.
But changing market dynamics, the absence of subsidies and advent of power
looms have brought the weaver, back to square one.
Villagers in Dhannipur believe that the
biggest beneficiary of Congress scheme will be the cooperatives. “Half of the
total money will go the selected few who run cooperatives,” said Ansaar
Ahmed, a weaver.
There is another factor, which will not let
the scheme become a total success. In Uttar Pradesh, majority of weavers are
predominantly Muslims. “Islam does not allow taking money on interest,” Ahmed
Furthermore, successive assurances is all
that authorities give the villagers. After the five
malnutrition deaths in 2008, then district magistrate Ajay Kumar Upadhyaya
announced he was adopting the village, district commissioner Suresh Chandra
announced 20 quintals of wheat for the village and Janta Dal
(United) Rajya Sabha member Ali Anwar raised the issue of
weavers in Parliament. But that’s what it was all about. Lip service.
Even former deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha, A
Rehman visited Dhannipur, but, “All he gave us, was a patience hearing,” says
a villager.
The only thing that every happened after the
five deaths in the village in 2008 was that nine families of the
approximately 3,000 families (and a population of 15,000 persons) got BPL
No wonder then, the village, which goes to
poll on Wednesday, is not excited by the poll sops
Case Details of File Number: 5332/24/72/2012
Diary Number
Name of the Complainant
Name of the Victim
Place of Incident
Date of Incident
Direction issued by the Commission
Dr. Lenin, Executive Director, People's
Vigilance Committee on Human Rights, Varanasi, U.P. alleged that out of an
estimated 13 lakh weavers in the country, 2.5 lakhs are in Eastern U.P. The
Central Government had announced a Rs. 6230 crore package, under which a
weaver can get a Rs. 2 lakh loan for three years. But, the scheme has no
takers in Varanasi's weavers, for whom hunger is a routine of life. He sought
intervention of the Commission. The Commission took cognizance on 23.2.2012
and issued a notice to the concerned authority, calling for a report within
four weeks. Dy. Secretary to the Government of U.P., Home Department vide
communication dated 27.4.2012 requested Principal Secretary, Women and Child
Development to submit report. When no report was received, a reminder was
issued on 12.6.2012. The Commission takes a very serious view and directs its
Registry to issue conditional summons to the Chief Secretary, Government of
U.P. u/s 13 of the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 to appear before the
Commission on 7.1.2013 at 11 AM along with the requisite report at Faridkot
House, Copernicus Marg, New Delhi. If, however, the requisite report is
received by the Commission on or before 31.12.2012, the personal appearance
of Chief Secretary, Government of U.(P. shall stand dispensed with.
Action Taken
Additional Information Called for (Dated
10/29/2012 )
Status on 1/12/2013
Response from concerned authority is awaited.
See The Link :
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